Remedy Plus offers safe, and effective non-surgical treatments for prolapse.
If you suffer from any prolapse symptoms – book an initial consultation with one of our doctors to see if you are suitable for treatment. Use the red booking button below. For further information please continue to read below.
The muscles and tissues of your pelvis, including the lining of your vagina, provide support to various structures including the uterus, bladder and rectum. When the strength of the vaginal canal is compromised by childbirth, ageing or other conditions these structures can “prolapse” or slip downwards.
In severe cases, the structures slip down so much that they protrude from the vaginal opening. In milder cases, nothing might be visible from the outside, but there can be a sensation of everything not being in place internally.
Many women don’t realise they have a pelvic organ prolapse, but might notice one or many of the following symptoms:
- a feeling of pressure or fullness in the pelvic area
- a feeling of something falling out of the vagina
- an ache in the lower back
- pain during intercourse
- leaking of urine
- constipation
- spotting or bleeding from the vagina
Remedy Plus provides treatments for prolapse originally developed in Europe and now growing in popularity throughout the world. The treatments aim to strengthen areas of the pelvic floor.
If you suffer from any of the symptoms above – book an initial consultation with our doctor via the red booking button below. For further information please continue to read below.
Types of prolapse
The types of pelvic organ prolapse are named based on which structure is slipping downwards. The most common types are:
- prolapse of the bladder known as a cystocoele
- prolapse of the uterus known as a uterine prolapse
- prolapse of the rectum known as a rectocoele
All these types of prolapse, along with other problems such as stress urinary incontinence, can occur on their own or in various combinations. They all have the same cause – a weakening of the vaginal wall due to childbirth, ageing or other medical conditions.

The 3 types of prolapse as shown from L to R: cystocoele (bladder), uterine prolapse (uterus), rectocoele (rectum)
Advantages of non-surgical treatment of prolapse
It is a safe, complication-free alternative to surgery which provides effective correction of prolapse and relief from LBL.
Non surgical
Unlike surgery, ProlapLase™ doesn’t involve injections, cutting, bleeding or sutures.
Virtually painless
Most women do not feel any pain during the procedure.
No down time
It is truly a walk in and walk out procedure, with no preparation required prior to the treatment and no disruption to activities afterwards.
No complications
There are no reported problems with laser treatment. There’s no need for pain killers or antibiotics.
How does non-surgical treatment work?
The entire vaginal wall is treated to achieve a general tightening effect. Particular attention is then given to the front of the vagina in cases of cystocoele or the back of the vagina in cases of rectocoele.
The aim is to cause a tightening, thickening and strengthening of tissues that support the prolapsing structures.
At least three treatment sessions are required to ensure an effective and long lasting correction of prolapse. More severe cases might require up to six sessions. The effect of treatment is immediate, and the result actually continues to improve for 6 months after treatment as your body lays down more collagen.
Can treatment help severe prolapse?
Women can experience varying degrees of prolapse. In mild cases they might not even be aware they have the problem, but a doctor doing an internal examination can diagnose an early prolapse.
In more severe cases the prolapse can be clearly visible hanging out of the vaginal opening, and can even be difficult to place back in extreme cases.
Doctors classify the severity of prolapse into 4 grades (I, 2, 3 and 4). Only a grade 4 prolapse is clearly visible externally.
Non-surgical treatment is an effective prolapse laser treatment therapy for all grades of prolapse. It can completely correct lower grades of prolapse. In more severe cases, while the prolapse might not be completely corrected, it should become less visible and cause fewer problems. On average, there is a one grade improvement in prolapse after treatment.
Are there any side effects?
There are no long term complications following treatment. In fact, the vast majority of women experience no side effects at all.
A small number of women (less than 1 in 20) might experience minor issues such as a stronger than usual vaginal discharge, a little bit of spotting or bleeding, some redness or a slight pain. None of these issues are likely to last more than a few days.
The process – put things back in place
Freeing yourself from pelvic organ prolapse might require just four visits to Remedy Plus Medical Clinics.
Visit 1
One of our doctors will perform a thorough medical assessment to assess your prolapse and your suitability for laser treatment. This involves a discussion of your medical history, a vaginal examination and some tests, such a simple analysis of your urine.
Visit 2
It’s time for your first treatment. There is no special preparation required prior to this treatment, no significant discomfort during treatment, and you’ll likely walk out with some improvement of your prolapse.
You can immediately return to your normal life, but it is advisable to abstain from intercourse for a week. Excessive exercise and heavy lifting should also be avoided.
Visit 3
You will have your second ProlapLase™ treatment 4 weeks after the first. The aim of the second treatment is to further reduce slippage of your prolapse.
Visit 4
You will have your third ProlapLase™ treatment 4 weeks later. It is important to understand that even if you felt better after the first two treatments they are unlikely to have completely fixed the problem. The third treatment is important to ensure longer lasting success.
Subsequent visits
More severe cases of prolapse can require up to six treatment sessions. Our doctor will have let you know at your initial assessment if your prolapse requires more than the standard three sessions.
Future maintenance
Regular maintenance treatments are required to ensure there is no recurrence of your prolapse. These are recommended every six months. The maintenance treatments are performed at a heavily discounted rate if performed within this six month period.
Our Specialists
All treatments at Remedy Plus are performed by experienced doctors or specially trained registered nurses.
See more about our team at Remedy Plus on our About Us Page
If you would like to learn more about this treatment or make a booking, please call 02 9411 3352 or send us an enquiry using the form below.
Shop 2, 153-157 Victoria Avenue Chatswood
Opening Hours: By Appointment Only
Need a Second Opinion?
If you are at all concerned about the procedures involved here at Remedy Plus and whether or not they are right for you, we are more than happy to discuss treatment options with your GP.
Please see our GP Contact Page for more details.